Telegram AMA with our CMO

Endless Battlefield
6 min readJan 9, 2022


Hi everyone, I’m Steven, the CMO of the project team, and I’ll be hosting the AMA today, where I’ll be answering questions that have been asked in the group. Those who ask a question and get an answer will be rewarded with an airdrop blind box containing 50–1000 EB and four basic NFTs.

Q:What is the progress of the development of the anti-cheating system?

A:The anti-cheating system will be released before the metaverse version goes live.

Q:What is the role of EB in the game, how do we access it in the game, and what does the future positioning of the game look like?

A:EB is the primary token in the game and we also have the secondary token EBC, which can be used to buy or trade basic materials and can be exchanged for EB. Items except for basic materials need to be purchased with EB. You can earn EB by playing the game.

Q:What are the improvements in the chain version compared to the steam version?

A:Adding a contract settlement layer and the ability to pay to create a room, mainly these two pieces A certain amount of EB is required to create a room, but not to join a room, but there will be a certain amount of commission for the owner when playing games in the room settlement.

Q:Which exchange will we list on first in the future? What is the opening price? What is your expectation for the future EB price?

A:It is not public yet.

Q:Is there a planetary colonization program in the chain? That is, to develop more planets? I don’t think it’s a technical problem.

A: Yes, there are plans to do so, and development is expected to begin in Q3, 2022.

Q:When is the on-chain version? When is ido? Is the ido platform confirmed?

A:The IDO platform is still under negotiation and we are not prepared to have only one IDO platform, which would not be fair to retail investors.

Q:How can the threshold for cheating be raised if one person opening multiple minis interferes with the gaming experience?

A:Increase sunk costs and payback cycles.

Q:1. Land can be traded as NFT, so can it be looted? Are there city battles planned?

2. Can land be upgraded? For example, if we have more than a certain amount of land, can we form a city and become the main city? Can cities later issue their own currency?

3. Are there any plans for the development of a life profession system, such as fishermen (to extend the life of the game)?

A: 1. Land is tradable and city battles are planned.

2. There are no plans to upgrade for the time being, and the number of main cities is fixed and cannot be changed.

3. Haven’t done the career system yet

Q:How many software developers are currently on the team? Can you disclose how much funding is currently available?

A: The team of software developers is currently around 20 people and the amount of funding cannot be available to inform.

Q:When will the whitelist be released?

A:The whitelist is currently only released to community owners and as a reward when a large community does an event. Participation in IDO does not require a whitelist.

Q:Can casual players earn while they play by building, fishing and mining?


Q:Do I need to buy an entry ticket or something to enter the game?

A:You will need 20 EB to create a character, and some basic NFTs will need to be purchased, but the threshold is relatively low when the initial coin price is low.

Q: How many player modes are supported for group battles? Does the multiplayer mode run smoothly? Have you tested the multiplayer mode yet?

A: Team Battle currently supports two teams in 16 vs 16 mode, which works perfectly.

Q:May I ask which EBs are blockchain-attributable?

A:At this stage the game is settled on the chain (chain version) and all interactable elements in the subsequent metaverse version are on the chain.

Q:When is the pre-sale?

A:No plans to do pre-sales for now.

Q: How do I get NFT props? (tanks, planes), I don’t think they drop when you die, right?

A: Purchase basic materials, upgrade, synthesize through drawings, will not drop when you die

Q: Does the player’s score increase with fishing and equipment, in addition to kills?

A: Kill points are for the arena mode, and fishing and equipment are for the big world game.

Q: Are there any non-player bosses in the game

A: PVE play will be online in March

Q: Doesn’t the white paper say that tokens are awarded automatically based on player scores, I mean, can we acquire the tokens in the big world?

A: Yes, the tokens can be earned not only in Arena mode but also in Big World.

Q: Is it convenient to inform the price of ido?

A: 0.2–0.25USDT/EB

Q: Do I have to create a room for the metaverse section?

A: The metaverse version does not require room creation Similar to an open world sandbox game.

Q: Apart from modern weapons, are there any weapons with Chinese elements? Like cold weapons

A: There will be

Q: When will the blockchain version start?

A: The blockchain change version will go live at the end of this month or after February

Q: Gameplay is what we players are more concerned about. After the launch of the chain version, have all the modules including aiming, carriers, rep props, guns, etc. been deployed and perfected?

A: For the time being, the chain version is only available in Arena mode. The Metaverse version will be updated at the end of March this year.

Q: What other sources of revenue does the Alliance have besides trade and land taxes? Can an alliance have its alliance NFT?

A: Capture of the main city will periodically reward you with a large amount of EB, which is the main income of the alliance.

Q: Have you considered having a competitive tournament to expand your reach?

A: Yes. The first tournament is planned for after Chinese New Year and will be streamed on twitch.

Q: Is the distribution mechanism based on the number of kills in the battle of the main city or the rank of the alliance?

A: The distribution mechanism is that the alliance that captures the main city gets the reward. How the alliance distributes the rewards is an internal matter for the alliance and we will not interfere.

Q: How do I get the technology blueprints, do they officially give treasure maps or random event rewards.

A: PvE drops. High rarity tech blueprints are dropped through world bosses, and some NFT blueprints are sold on the official website.

Q: Will there be a market for NFT in the chain change arena mode, similar to the traditional CSGO game of opening boxes and so on, we competitive players also want good-looking guns ah

A: Yes, NFT will be available this month.

Q: Do alliance rewards go to the head of the alliance? Or the league? Is it credible to give it to individuals?

A: It depends on the alliance. Where there are people, there are politics, and it’s normal to have internal rivalries.

Q: Is the chained version the same as the steam version?

A: No. We will put the chain version on EPIC and the official website.

Q: How are the early game alliances created? Are there any big gaming unions that you currently interface with?

A: There are docking unions and DAO organizations, but we don’t come down and give support directly. The players are the masters of the game and you decide the course of the game

Q: The deadliest opponent of FPS games is Cheats, so apart from the anti-cheating measures of the project team, will players be rewarded for reporting them? The cheaters are the public enemies of the game.

A: There will be rewards, after the report is verified, the player’s account will be blocked, part of the assets will be put into the black hole mint contract, and part of the assets will be directly dropped to the whistleblower.

Q: Can the coalition that occupies a city make laws to divide commercial, leisure, work, and residential areas?

A: It is possible to divide the functions but it has nothing to do with the law

Q: Are there any shops or stalls for sale in the city in the main city system? Buy a few and engage in real estate development. Hahahaha

A: There are built houses, blueprints for houses, and land that can be sold as NFT

Let’s build the Endless Battlefield metaverse together!

Come and discover EB,join our community!







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